A Message from Chief Sneddon

I want to start out with the status of Fire Season, with the cooler temperatures and moisture we have had recently, the Fire danger is still elevated and the burning ban is in place. This is managed by Coos Forest Protective Assocation. The uise of burn barrells and open debris burning will be banned until the senior staff at Coos Forest Patrol determine that the cooler, wet weather has returned to stay as we go into fall and winter. At the point where Fire Season is declared over for 2024, the staff at Charleston Fire will return to issuing burning permits within the Charleston Fire District.
**Thank you for your patience and there are many ways to actually recycle you paper and cardboard products reducing the need for the use of burn barrells.**
Welcome to the Official Website for the Charleston Fire District.
On this page you'll see detailed information about the district, including our Board Members. You can see the Board agendas and minutes for the past years and our current operating Budget.
You can also see who our Firefighters are, find out burning regulations and many other safety items.
Thank You for looking in on us and remember "We're Here For Life!"
Chief Mick Sneddon and staff